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Increasing Demand on Livestock Identification Market 2023-2029| Afimilk (Israel), Allflex (Part of Merck) (US)

The Global Livestock Identification market was valued at USD 1.92 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 4.11 billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 11.48%. Livestock identification is the basis for keeping proper production records of the herd/flock. Individual livestock identification enables producers to maintain records on an animal's birth…

WATCH: Paleo talks animal-free myoglobin, regulatory challenges, and the ‘vegan’ opportunity

Belgian start-up Paleo is leveraging precision fermentation technology to make the heme-binding protein myoglobin (an iron-rich protein found in animal muscle) from yeast.In developing animal-free myglobin that is ‘identical’ to its conventional counterpart, Paleo is helping plant-based meat matrices look more like meat, taste more like meat, and provide a nutritional profile closer to that…

VIDEO: Los Angeles Authorities Warn Of Flesh-Eating Counterfeit ‘Zombie’ Opioids

Officials in Los Angeles are warning residents of a “concerning” increase in counterfeit opioids, dubbed ‘zombie drugs’ for the way they leave users “gruesomely disfigured.” The street drug, known as “tranq,” is actually the animal tranquilizer xylazine. Authorities say it’s often mixed with other illegal drugs, such as fentanyl and heroin. One of the drug’s…

Research suggests smoke from the Black Summer fires may have made the triple La Nina more likely

Black Summer smoke. Credit: NASA The 2019-2020 bushfire season was devastating. Vast areas of pristine forest burned, many for the first time in memory. By some estimates, a billion native animals died up and down Australia's east coast. Dozens of people died. While Sydney's skies are blue again, Australia's Black Summer has kept scientists around…